Binge-crash means that an individual will continue using coke for extended periods of time until they have exhausted their stash of blow and then crash for days, sleeping and eating. Many individuals who abuse cocaine do so in binge-crash manner. These effects of cocaine tend to last between 30 minutes and two hours. On the downside, cocaine abusers often report that they also feel paranoid, irritable, anxious, and restless. Cocaine users describe the sensation that cocaine use brings them as an extremely elevated mood, with feelings of supremacy and an increasing sensation of energy and mental alertness. This reuptake inhibitor leads to a chemical buildup between the nerves, resulting in the user feeling high. Cocaine successfully blocks the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and other neurotransmitters from being reabsorbed. Once cocaine is buried deep within the brain, it interferes with neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers used by nerves to communicate with each other. Whatever the method of abuse, cocaine quickly and easily enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain. Smoking or injecting cocaine tends to produce a faster, stronger high that lasts for less time than snorting coke. Smoking or injecting cocaine leads to nearly instant results and the rapid absorption of cocaine by the nasal tissues makes snorting coke almost as fast-acting.
Crack cocaine, called “crack,” or “rock” on the street, is produced in a chemical process that allows it to be abused in a freebase form and smoked by the user. Powdered cocaine, often referred to as “blow” or “coke,” dissolves easily in water and can be snorted intranasally or injected into the veins. The two primary forms of cocaine seen on the street today are produced by different chemical processes. Cocaine, unlike synthetic drugs, is actually a purified extract derived from the Erythroxylum coca bush found in the Andes region of South America. Cocaine is a very expensive way to get high the price of the drug has clearly contributed to its mystique among the rich and famous, who have glamorized a very potent, very dangerous, and illegal stimulant.